Saturday, February 16, 2008


So every morning I'll prowl around all you guyses blog sites and grumble to myself about how no one ever updates, and I'm finally realizing what a hypocrite I am...

I've been noticing how appropriate the weather has been for Lent. (By the way, I gave up ice cream as kinda a last minute resolution because it wasn't too much of a cop out like "I give up caviar" and also didn't seem too life-altering. But I've been surprised at how much I miss it.) For devotions this year I've been using a system of Bible readings my mom gave me that follows the church year, and I like how it keeps me more in tune with seasons like Advent and Lent--it's having me go though the story of Joseph right now, which is, if you think about it, really appropriate for Lent. But this horrible weather makes everybody so hungry for spring, so hungry for a relief from grayness, so hopeful. Which is great preparation for Easter.
Do you think hope is the opposite of hypocrisy?