Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Just a random question...
Have you all had those dreams where a car alarm or a clock alarm or some sort of alarm is going off and it's extremely annoying and it's gets more and more annoying every minute, so you try to turn it off, you press all the buttons in different orders, and finally you punch them in the order you're sure will turn it off and it STILL WON'T GO OFF! And then at the pinnacle of frustration you wake up and your alarm clock is beeping away obsessive-compulsively. I don't like those dreams. :P

I used to have one of those old fashioned alarm clocks with the bells and the first morning I used it I heard Chloe wake up in her room and shout "OH NO!"


Lydia said...

Yes, I've had those dreams before. And now that I have this little shelf next to my bed for my alarm clock, I often end up knocking the clock over onto my face when I fumble with it in the morning to shut to off. Thankfully the alarm clock is small, though, so it doesn't hurt when it falls on me.

Rachel said...

i am back in the world of blogging! do i ever know the kind of dream you're talking about. there are also the times when i'm lying there, still mostly asleep, thinking, why isn't anyone stopping that horrible noise? and then as i slowly realize it's an alarm clock, i start to get annoyed at the person for not turning it off, hahaha, and then realize grudgingly that it's mine.

LarryBoy! said...

Are you reading my mind? I have those dreams all the time. They're my worst nightmare, except for the time that I dreamed that I was swimming upwards and I couldn't find the surface and I was drowning and then I woke up with my water bottle in my mouth.